Believe it or not, about 91% of adults in the United States have cavities. That’s almost everyone, and it means you probably do too. If you’re wondering “Can having bad teeth affect your health?” it can.
But it’s nothing to be ashamed of, and it’s not too late to start practicing better oral hygiene. One of the best ways to protect your teeth health is through brushing properly.
Read on to learn 5 tips to brush your teeth the right way and prevent tooth decay.
1. Cover All Surfaces
The act of brushing your teeth should take about 2 to 3 minutes. If you need to, you can set a timer to make sure you don’t undercut that time.
The reason for this length of time is that it’s about the time necessary to accurately brush all surfaces in your mouth. This means the sides, fronts, and backs of your teeth, including the hard to reach backs of your molars. It also means your tongue and gums.
A lot of emphasis gets placed on teeth, but brushing your tongue and gums play an important role in maintaining proper oral hygiene.
Remember to always brush in a circular motion as well.
2. Wait a While After Eating
A tip that many don’t know about is that you should wait a while after eating food to brush your teeth. You may think the sooner the better because the residue is in your mouth for less time, but brushing too soon after eating can be bad for your teeth.
This is because acids from the food you chew are left on your teeth after eating. Brushing harshly while these acids are still present can scrape and erode the outside of your teeth over time.
So how long should you wait? A good rule of thumb is somewhere between 20 to 30 minutes after eating.
3. Change Your Toothbrush Often
If you’ve been wondering how to improve teeth health, another key tip is to change your toothbrush regularly. In fact, more than half of the United States population doesn’t change their toothbrush when they should.
Over time toothbrushes grow bacteria and get weakened and frayed, no longer helping your teeth the way they once did.
Be sure to replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. Discoloration and bent bristles are another sign it’s time for a change.
4. Don’t Forget to Floss
Food gets stuck between teeth and floss is the only way you’re going to effectively clean these hard to reach places. This will help prevent bad breath and plaque problems.
Make sure to floss at least once each day between all of your teeth.
5. Use the Right Toothbrush for You
You may have noticed that there are many types of toothbrushes. You want to make sure you’re using the right toothbrush to match your oral health and brushing technique.
For example, hard bristles can wear away at your gums if you brush hard. Many dentists recommend soft bristles that can bend easier to get in tough spaces.
Be sure to ask your dentist what they suggest for you.
Take Care of Your Teeth Health
Your teeth health is just as important as the health of any other part of your body, and if left unchecked, will impact your health in dangerous ways. Be sure to practice good oral hygiene and brush your teeth correctly. If you follow the 5 tips in this article, your mouth will be in great condition.
If you’re in need of any dental service, be sure to check out our expert procedures.